white ethanol fireplace

Rustic Stone Design Ideas for Your Bioethanol Fireplace Design

Nostalgic, pastoral and romantic—rustic stone interiors, paired with your bioethanol fireplace, brings you back to the old, countryside homes. Your burner that runs on bio ethanol fireplace fuel is a blast from the past, giving your home much character with the large stone walls and wooden slat ceilings.

A simple wall ethanol fireplace creates a cozy atmosphere within the seemingly-cold setting, warming up rooms with the enchanting illusion of the fire. If you’ve been looking to redecorate your room with big, stone walls or a moody, brick panels, you’re in for a treat!

There are many models that are available to you. You can install an outdoor ethanol fireplace, or a wall mounted ethanol fireplace. You can even opt for a freestanding ethanol fireplace.

If you have an existing fireplace like gas fireplaces or other traditional fireplaces, you can convert it to an ethanol fireplace using an ethanol fireplace insert.

In this post, we’ll share a few interior decoration ideas with pure rustic stone inspiration.

Creating a Rustic-Feel Bioethanol Fireplace

Heavy on Stones Bio Ethanol Fireplace

You don’t need to completely cover your walls with stones; just focus on the fireplace! Stone veneers give you the same, cosmetic beauty of true-to-life rocks, but the good thing is, you don’t have to punch a hole in your pocket.

Warm up your room with a brick-laden façade, or a white pebbled feature to match any interior’s motif. Pairing this with your ethanol fireplace, you get the vision of a lifelike furnace, without the need for giant logs, chimneys and smoke. This is a great idea for living rooms and home offices.

recessed ethanol fireplace

Stack Up Panels for Your Bio Ethanol Fuel Fireplace

Sure, your ethanol fireplace doesn’t require a chimney, but that doesn’t mean you can’t dress up your walls when you want to. Instead on just focusing on the hearth and mantel, why not go all the way up to your ceiling to create that dramatic effect?

The rugged beauty of stone, in contrast to the color of your walls, adds a beautiful touch to your interior—this works especially on rich wood panels. Pick a stone color that adapts to the rest of the room’s motif for a cohesive look.

Stack Up Stones for Rustic Ethanol Fireplaces

Granite and limestone are two varieties that offers a bucolic look when stacked together. The feeling brings you back to the old times where hearths are set ablaze with real wood, and families gather together to bond over soup during cold days. Place a wooden mantel atop the heavy stone arrangement to counteract the bulky appearance.

Pick Pebbles

Instead of veneers, why not install real stones on your fireplace installation? Choose big chunks of rock for that big, brazen look, or smaller pebbles for a subtler design. As for the mantel, smoothen off the sylvan appearance with a polished wood drawer. Add a vase filled with flowers to balance the setting.

bio ethanol wall fireplace

White-Washed Walls for Your Bio Ethanol Fuel Fireplace

Instead of constructing a particular frame to set your furnace in, why not dedicate a whole wall? Cover one side with a roughly hewn limestone, or earthen colored bricks for that fuller effect. Instead of a mantel, how about placing a set of paintings, or a large mirror atop your ethanol fireplace installation? Decorate your room with a lot of greens to counter the stony effect.

With these tips, you can easily have a soothing, countryside atmosphere, right in your very home!

Get to Mimic the Ambiance Without Sacrificing Your Home’s Modern Make

Are ethanol fireplaces safe? Yes, they are, and they are offer easy installation. They are also eco friendly. You just need to choose a quality product.

How do ethanol fireplace work? To operate your ethanol burner, simply pour ethanol fuel into the stainless steel burner. Use proper lighting source to ignite the ethanol fireplace fuel inside the stainless steel burner. The bioethanol fuel burns, producing heat, tiny quantities of steam, and carbon dioxide.

These flames are not only clean-burning, but they also do not emit dangerous pollutants. The ethanol fire will dance elegantly inside the tempered glass frame walls while remaining safe inside the burner. You are assured of a good air quality.

Do not confuse bioethanol fuel with gel fuel. Bioethanol is a liquid biofuel made from the fermentation of a variety of plants, such as maize or soybeans. The fact that bioethanol is a renewable fuel is its most distinguishing feature (unlike gasoline and other types of fossil fuels).

The fact that bioethanol is a renewable fuel is its most distinguishing feature (unlike gasoline and other types of fossil fuels). Bioethanol is a clean-burning fuel that produces no harmful emissions or waste.

Ethanol fireplaces do not require chimneys or vents as a consequence. They may be used in places where a fireplace isn’t generally found, like as a balcony or an apartment.
