recessed large ethanol fireplace

Make Your Summer Sizzle with an Ethanol Fireplace

Have you been thinking that your ethanol fireplace could only be used indoors for those cold seasons? Think again. This summer, you can make your outdoor moments more special by adding a touch of warmth over your landscape. And we’re not talking about building grand canopies or adding complex sculptures over the garden.

Our suggestion is much more easy and less difficult: just place a tabletop ethanol fireplace over your favorite spaces, and make it more interesting during night time!

Thanks to its flue-less design, your ethanol fireplace can easily be installed wherever you wish. Freestanding units are also available to decorate those dark-lit areas where you and your family can lounge together while watching the night sky, reading a book, or drinking wine.

But are ethanol fireplaces safe? The answer is a resounding yes. Unlike traditional fireplaces, an ethanol burner only needs the right bioethanol fuel inside its stainless steel burner to work.

It can produce heat without too much carbon dioxide, fossil fuels, or natural gas. A bioethanol fireplace creates good air quality.

Looking for some tips on how to decorate your home with non-mount ethanol fireplaces?

Tips on How to Decorate Using Bio Ethanol Fuel Fireplace

ethanol fireplace


Fire and water have never been the best of friends, except with this design. Light up your poolside with a freestanding fireplace, smartly placed atop the table or positioned to an empty corner for an impressive effect.

This furnace type contains no harmful residue that will put you at risk, and it is perfect for well-ventilated areas as it scatters no ash. After your hours of soaking, you can warm up beside the fireplace and cozy up with your family and friends.


Create a dazzling effect on your staircase by adding smaller ethanol furnace units on the ends. The beautiful flickering fire will guide your guests towards your home, adding a romantic, whimsical appeal to the area. This is perfect for those special occasions, whenever you host a party for your favorite people.

rectangle ethanol fireplace


Let your ethanol fireplace take the center stage as you decorate a grand table filled with your best gourmet. A perfect alternative to dripping wax candles, these ethanol furnaces are surrounded by a glass shield, protecting anyone from getting burnt, while imbibing a whimsical feeling in the entire atmosphere.

You can choose to purchase a unit that resembles a candle, or choose a unit of interesting shape to spark a touch of interest among your guests. You can definitely find a design that create the same warmth and ambiance as a wood burning fireplace or gas fireplaces.


If you have an outdoor sitting area, install a freestanding unit as a centerpiece. There are burners that resemble a metal pot filled with pebbles, and will make a delightful visual treat as you relax in your outdoor sanctuary.

A free standing ethanol fireplace or a wall mounted ethanol fireplace would look make your lounge look extra special. You can even install an ethanol fireplace insert in an existing fireplace.

The flickering light calms you down without the annoying fragrance or debris, unlike the traditional stove which requires regular attention due to the ashes it creates.

Make the best of your summer outdoor activities with a functional and decorative outdoor ethanol fireplace or a freestanding ethanol fireplace on your yard. Easily find one to suit your space’s theme and character with our collection of beautiful, minimalist pieces that fits every needs and want.

No matter what size, shape or frame you like, the ethanol fireplace pros has gathered all the best in one spot!
