tabletop ethanol fireplace

How to Maintain and Clean Your Outdoor Tabletop Fireplace

Your outdoor tabletop fireplace will eventually reach the point at which it requires maintenance and cleaning. It might take several months or even a full year for your unique fireplace to reach this point. Ideally, the tabletop fire pit will be cleaned with regularity. However, life is hectic. You might not have much time or energy remaining after work to clean your firepit bowl at the optimal frequency.

Ethanol fireplaces are also held in high regard as they aren’t nearly as much of a hassle in terms of ongoing maintenance. If you have an ethanol fireplace, it will not require nearly as much effort as necessary to clean a wood-burning fireplace.

Below, we provide some helpful tips that make it that much easier to keep your outdoor tabletop fireplace or square fire pit table in tip-top shape.

black ethanol fireplace

Prepare for the Cleaning

Do not jump directly into a project of this magnitude. It will take time and considerable elbow grease to clean your outdoor tabletop fireplace. You will need a mild glass cleaner along with a lint-free cloth to perform an effective cleaning. Allow the fireplace to cool. Use the damp cloth to clean the back portion of the fireplace, wiping away the soot and other gunk.

If you use the tabletop fire pit at a high frequency, such a cleaning might be necessary once every couple of weeks or every other month. However, the fireplace must fully dry before the next use, especially if a flammable, chemical-laden glass cleaner is used for cleaning. Those looking to prevent residual staining will find distilled water is better than other types.

Shine the Steel

The steel section of your outdoor tabletop fireplace should shine bright exactly as it did when first installed. You can create such a gleam with the use of warm water mixed with mild dish soap. Apply this mixture to the steel with a kitchen sponge, scrub in the same direction as the grain and the stainless steel will look surprisingly sleek. However, if you were to scrub against the grain, it would likely lead to premature visual deterioration.

recessed large ethanol fireplace

Mind Those Burners

Maintaining the burners is an essential component of keeping your outdoor tabletop fireplace in fantastic condition. You can maintain and clean the burners without investing a considerable amount of time, effort, or money. You will need steel polish along with a lint-free cloth and an open sink. If you notice any fuel spills, clean them right away so they don’t lead to unexpected flames when the firepit bowl is next lit.

The burner will be subjected to heat so it will likely have some discoloration. Distilled water as opposed to tap water will help prevent residue and additional discoloration. Steel polish applied to the burners will also help make them look visually striking.

An in-depth burner cleaning involves the removal and rinsing of the burner interior, assuming it is not of the sponge variety. If there is a burner insert consisting of a sponge, the water will remain within the interior of the burner, ultimately sabotaging its functionality.

Cleaning Your Outdoor Tabletop Fireplace Extends Its Useful Life

The fireplace burner must be completely dry after it is cleaned. Do not light the firepit bowl until it has fully dried. Even a quick wipe-down of the burner with a rag will help expedite the drying process. Continue to dust your fireplace when it is not in use and it will be the focal point of your home that serves as a conversation piece amidst those uncomfortable silences when family and friends are over.

Reassemble the Tabletop Fire Pit After Cleaning the Insert

Wipe the insert similar to how you wiped the burner. Wipe the remaining pieces as well with a soft and dry cloth. Such wiping combats the buildup of residue. However, you will need more than a dry cloth to properly clean the insert itself. Warm water combined with a mild soap should be applied to the insert so the surface is comprehensively cleaned. Use a cloth to dry the insert and put it to the side so it is exposed to the fresh air for additional drying.

Do not forget to reassemble the fireplace above the fire pit bowl after cleaning is finished. Once you are completely positive the fireplace is perfectly clean and dry, put all of the pieces back together. The final step is to add bioethanol to refill the burner for its next use.

Additional Outdoor Tabletop Fireplace Cleaning Tips

The quality of the stainless steel polisher you use is particularly important. When in doubt, opt for the highest-quality stainless steel polisher and you won’t be disappointed with the results. Resist the temptation to use hard abrasive materials when cleaning the unit. Instead, keep it simple with warm water and mild soap. Above all, double-check to ensure the burner is in the off position and completely cool before cleaning.
