wall mounted ventless fireplace

How Much Heat Will My Bio Ethanol Fireplace Produce

A bio ethanol fireplace can be the perfect addition to your home or office. The sleek styling and ease of use make it ideal for any modern décor and your guest will always have a comment or two in regard to your new space age fire feature.

While bioethanol fireplaces are becoming more common many new buyers have questions in regards to the amount of heat they can get from one of these units.


It is first important to mention that bio ethanol fireplaces are intended as supplemental heating systems. This goes for all fireplaces as none are made to heat an entire house but rather cozy up to the temperature in the room you have the fire feature installed in.

As a bioethanol fireplace does not require any special installation, they can be moved to add that extra comfort to whatever room you desire. Many people even use their tabletop bio ethanol fireplace on their patio furniture to add a little bit of comfort during the colder fall nights.

There are a lot of determining factors that must be examined before one can determine how much heat they can expect from their new eco-friendly fireplace option. As this heating option is supplemental, personal preferences and requirements can vary greatly between homeowners.

Remember that each home and fireplace user has their own particular features, be sure to consider these when making your purchase. Below are some of the most important things to consider when trying to get the best bio ethanol fireplaces for their home or apartment.

ventless portable fireplace


The size of your burner inserts is going to play an important role in the heat production your tabletop fireplace can produce. You should examine the size of your burner inserts to determine what type of bio ethanol fireplace you are looking at.

Most modern ethanol fireplace models will utilize a 1.5-liter ethanol burner. This is a great size to consider as it produces a decent amount of heat from a compact design.


The size of the burner inserts will also determine your total BTU. A 1.5-liter burner can produce up to 6000 BTUs per burner. This means that if you are looking for a little more heat production that you may want to consider larger burners like EB6200 – Ignis Bio Ethanol Insert (see image below) or a unit that incorporates multiple burners as each burner double the heat production of the unit. This means you get 24,000 BTU from a bio ethanol fireplace with four burners.


This determining factor to consider is the purity of the fuel you are burning. The purity level of your ethanol fuel will tell you how clean and how strong your flame production will be. The cleaner the fuel the more heat you can expect to get from your burners.

Through the use of large or multiple burners and pure ethanol, you can enjoy the maximum amount of supplemental heat your bioethanol fires can produce.

portable ethanol fireplace


You should always consider the size and layout of the room you are heating. The larger and more open the room the harder it will be to capture the heat produced by your fireplace. Most ethanol fireplaces will help you to get a concentrated heat source close to where you sit but large open rooms will require many large burners than an apartment living room.


Hot air rises and because of this rooms with tall or vaulted ceilings will be more difficult to heat than rooms with standard sizes. This is another reason why bio ethanol fireplaces are a great option for apartments where there is usually a more contained living space.


The ventilation in the room is going to be one of the main ways your heat is escaping. To maximize your bio ethanol fires heat production try to keep your unit in a smaller area where the heat can concentrate and build up. Remember, all fireplaces are intended a supplemental heat.

This means that you will need some other form of heating system in your home to get the maximum heat from your fireplace. You should also close all of your windows before you use your fireplace if you are attempting to get the most heat production from your device.


Bio Ethanol fireplaces are quickly becoming a go-to option for homeowners looking for a little more style and comfort in their home. These units come in a wide variety of styles and sizes to fit your needs, so you are sure to get the perfect fit for your home or apartment.

Remember to follow the tips in this guide and you are guaranteed to get a nice amount of heat from whatever type of bio ethanol fireplace you choose.
