white ethanol fireplace

Built-In Ethanol Fireplaces: How Much Do They Cost?

Have you been eyeing built-in ethanol fireplaces? We get you. There’s something pleasant about the dancing warm glow of the fire, recessed on the wall. There’s no need to stumble over impermanent fixtures which may cause hazards in the house.

You have your own modern fireplace, finally affixed to your wall, creating the same warm like the traditional furnace, without the hassles that comes with it. And there are many reasons why you, along with other homeowners, are opting to go with the ethanol variety: there’s no need for chimneys.

Unlike gas fireplaces, you won’t have to deal with unwanted smoke. Just the fire in all its beauty, and you, with all your comforts.

Because it does not require a large venting space, ethanol ventless fireplaces are perfectly suited to modern homes. Anyone can now experience cozying up to an open flame that fits their room size, as well as their budget.

Installation is easy; a bio ethanol fireplace can be conveniently integrated on your wall without too much cosmetic makeover. Even if you had your own traditional fireplace installed, you can still make use of the ethanol fireplace fuel variant whenever you prefer.


wal mount bioethanol fireplace

Yes, but the cost of your new bio ethanol fireplace fuel depends on many factors. The most prominent would be the type of ethanol fireplace you want to install–this depends greatly on the design and construct of your unit.

You can even set up a ventless fireplace, a freestanding ethanol fireplace, a wall mounted ethanol fireplace, and ethanol fireplace insert, or an outdoor ethanol fireplace. Popular bio ethanol fireplaces include made-to-measure fireplaces, standard models, and burner kits.

Unlike electric fireplaces, you won’t need to set up wirings to make it work. And unlike traditional fireplaces like a wood burning fireplace, your ethanol indoor fireplace won’t need gas lines to work. It also won’t emit noxious chemicals like natural gas and carbon dioxide that are harmful to your health.

Let us help you walk through each type so you can see which option works best for you.

What Bio Ethanol Fuel Fireplace Works for You?

Made to measure fireplaces are the most expensive of the three, and this is no surprise. Why? Because makers have to construct a tailor-made unit just for you. This requires communication on both ends so that the fireplace seamlessly blends with what you want.

We recommend made to measure units for newly built homes, where you’ll be making your interior design from scratch. This will cost you about $5000 to $10,000.

ventless portable fireplace

Standardized models are ethanol fireplaces which can easily be bought in the market and are ready to be installed on your wall. The designs are usually minimalist and clean, so it can easily blend with your interior’s themes.

You won’t be able to influence the standard model’s design (unless you perform DIY solutions or communicate with its maker). However, you get to cut off a big chunk from the cost. This will only require $1500 to $5000 per installation.

The last but not least is the burner kit, which is easily the cheapest variety among the three. However, don’t belittle this option; it could be a beautifully integrated feature to your interior, as long as you open your mind for creativity.

How? Burners are single-unit installations, which allow you to decide on the numbers and design yourself.

If you are a DIY-enthusiast, this is a perfect solution for you. Most of the times, burners are designed with a straightforward construct so it can easily merge with other strong features. The cost depends on the model, there are units sold from $80 to $2000, depending on your wants.
