ethanol fireplace

Bioethanol Fireplace: Can It Help Relieve Stress?

Our world can be a very stressful place, so it’s important to find simple pleasures throughout the day that can help you relax. A recent study from the University of Alabama has found that relaxing in front of bio ethanol fireplaces can relieve stress and anxiety. This proves that fireplaces aren’t just aesthetically pleasing – they can also be good for your health.

How Does a Bioethanol Fireplace Relieve Stress?

Sitting around the fire has been a popular pastime since the beginning of humanity. Fire does provide warmth and is essential for cooking, but it also serves as the center of many social gatherings.  Many people would agree that watching a fire crackle can be satisfying or even hypnotic. However, it wasn’t until this academic study that we had scientific proof of the way that fireplaces, like an ethanol tabletop fireplace, wood burning fireplace or a wall-mounted fireplace, relieve stress.

This study was conducted in 2014 at the University of Alabama by Dr. Chris Lynn, an anthropology professor. He observed that watching a fire seemed to be calming for many people and sought out to observe this scientifically. The study tested more than 300 adults to see how their blood pressure changed before and after watching the fire.

ethanol tabletop fireplace

The study showed participants videos of a fire with and without sound, as well as a blank control video. Afterward, the results showed that participants’ blood pressure was lower after watching the video of the fire with sound.

This result shows that the crackling sound the fire makes is key to relieving stress. It also shows that a video of a fire can also produce these effects. This means that if you don’t have access to a bio ethanol fireplace, you might be able to get the same benefits by watching a video instead.

Why is De-stressing Important?

Not only is stress bad for our mental health, but it can also affect our physical health. When we’re consistently feeling stressed out, it can result in tense muscles, loss of sleep, digestive issues, and much more.  Stress can also contribute to more serious chronic health problems and can even make chronic health issues worse. If we don’t purposely address the things that are causing us stress, they can build up over time.

Because of this, it’s incredibly important to take time throughout the day to relieve stress. Even small things like relaxing in front of the bioethanol fireplace for a few minutes can be incredibly helpful.  Making a point to do these things throughout your day is excellent for your overall health. Installing a wall mounted fireplace or even a bio ethanol fireplace is an easy way to make your home feel a little bit cozier and less stressful.

ethanol wall fireplace

Should I Install a Bioethanol Fireplace at Home?

If you’re struggling with stress, installing a fireplace in your home can be very beneficial for you. Your home should be a place of calm and quiet – somewhere you can go after a long day of work and relax with family, friends, or even by yourself. Putting a bio ethanol electric fireplace in your home can give you a cozy and safe space to relax.

There are so many different types of electric fireplaces available, so it’s easy to find one that fits your needs. For example, if you don’t want a wood-burning bioethanol fireplace, you can consider an ethanol fireplace insert instead.

These are clean burning to minimize the amount of smoke inside your home since they use bio ethanol fuel. These electric fireplaces use a special bio ethanol fireplace fuel that produces a small amount of carbon dioxide. They are also very easy to start and put out, and you can control the size of the flame. However, they still make that satisfying crackling sound that can help reduce your stress levels.   Depending on how your home is set up, there are a variety of ways in which you can install your fireplace. You can even set up an ethanol tabletop fireplace outside if you don’t have space for one indoors. bio

Many people opt for an ethanol wall mounted fireplace, ethanol tabletop fireplace, or a free-standing ethanol fireplace.

Additionally, installing a new bio ethanol fireplace can add financial value to your home, making it worth the investment. These fire features are also very trendy and aesthetically appealing and can make any space look a little more luxurious.

Installing a fireplace or fire pit in your home is a great way to reduce stress. The hypnotic sights and sounds of the fire are the perfect backgrounds for a relaxing evening at home.  While many people have experienced the stress-reducing benefits of fire in the past, we now have scientific proof that it does reduce anxiety in many cases.
